DAV Sr. Sec School, (Y.N.R) Sadhaura

Yamuna Nagar, Haryana - 133204

About School


DAV Public School Sadhaura is one of the oldest institute of DAVCMC. It was started in 1986 with only 92 students and 15 staff members and in a small building. Now it has a strength of about 1000 students 65 staff members and is being run in a beautiful...

Principal's Message


Through this website I want to share with you the importance of the words you speak.Your Choice of words and tone of expression make you different from lot others.Instead of using the unwanted,unappreciated words in your day today conversations

Important Message by
DAV Management

Contact Us ↓

DAV Sr. Sec School, (Y.N.R) Sadhaura
Yamuna Nagar, Haryana - 133204
Contact: 094668-43022
E-Mail: davsadhaura@yahoo.co.in
Website: www.davpssadhaura.com

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